GLCs and ketuanan melayu


malaysia GLCs and ketuanan melayuHad a chat with my Chinese neighbor recently while doing our obligatory weekend jog around the estate ( unfortunately the ‘popular’ trend now is to specify the race outright rather than be civil ).

One interesting point he made regarding the Chineses’ grouse is the almost exclusive place given to the Malays in the GLCs.

And he said by definition, GLCs are majority-owned by the government who in turn derived their funds from taxes collected from all people regardless of races.

He added that generally the Chinese doesn’t mind as long as the Government appoint the right people to head the GLCs, hence the right policies that follow will benefit all.

Hmm…I didn’t quite realize about that exclusive thing until he pointed it out.

Maybe being a once-beneficiary of the GLCs had given me this mental block.

Apparently now, after the business of getting the ‘right’ people into the Cabinet is done and over with, people are now looking at the GLCs.

An anonymous blogger recently lamented (sarcastically) about some GLC Heads and their senior management  “...ketuanan melayu (has) produced all these Superstars who don’t know their as**s from their elbows.

I only know of one blogger who has that wit when talking about injustice.

Perhaps now the powers-that-be may have enough courage to do the right thing and start cleaning up.

In the mean time, in between my heavy breathings of my next jogging session with the neighbors, I shall try to come out with a logical explanation.

If I fail, then I’ll just stick to my treadmill at home…

About badmoonrising

A Kuala Lumpur born & bred with Ipoh and Penang lineages. A Malay and now in the 40's, has been involved in the corporate world since the late 80's and has recently taken a break, hence this itch to blog. Vices include cigar chomping, pipe smoking & the occasional Ipoh nasi ganja. A movieholic, blamed on the dear father who drags the whole family in the early years to Coliseum, Central, Odeon, Rex and Federal theatres. A big fan of Elvis & late 60's music (thanks to very groovy uncles) and of course anything 80's ( that includes Wham! and Simon Le Bon ).

One response »

  1. i thought so…”doesn’t mind as long as the Government appoint the right people..” please do not recycle the govt servants whom retired.. they have done their part while in the service, with a salary, a pension and a whole chain of gratuity…

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